Monday, July 10, 2006

PANSPERMIA – Life Everywhere

Here is the latest newsletter from Michael Tellinger :

PANSPERMIA – Life Everywhere

I have often wondered why so many depictions of aliens from space carry such resemblance to us humans. All those who claim to have been abducted, or those who have been contacted by aliens, mostly describe them in very similar fashion. The strange thing is that these aliens seem to have features similar to humans and not some other insect-like monster from space. Is it because the individual who claims to have seen these aliens may simply be hallucinating? Or could it be the influence of mass media and the many movies which have graced our screens depicting aliens mostly in a humanoid form? Or could there possibly be a more logical or possibly even scientific explanation for this curious phenomenon? Since we have come to know that the Earth is not the centre of the universe, we can start opening our minds to new possibilities. But like many things we 'seem' to have dis covered in the last two centuries on Earth, we find out that they have already been discovered by our distant ancestors. It is especially true for the subject of astronomy. The ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese and Americans, all had a superior knowledge of the cosmos to us. They knew things about the planets and our solar system which we only rediscovered in the latter parts of the 20 th century.

One such cosmic phenomenon which was reintroduced into modern cosmology in the 1970's was the ancient Greek concept of Panspermia. This word can be translated as 'seeds everywhere' and its first recorded advocate was a Greek philosopher known as Anaxagoras of Clazomenae in Asia Minor, born about 500 BC. He was from a noble family, but wishing to devote himself entirely to science, he gave up his property to his relatives and relocated to Athens, where he lived in intimacy with Pericles. Shortly before the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War he was charged with impiety, which was, 'denying the gods recognized by the state'. He not only had the honor of giving philosophy a home in Athens, where it flourished for a thousand years, but he was the first philosopher who introduced a spiritual principle which gives matter life and form. Anaxagoras laid down his doctrine in a prose work entitled 'On Nature' of which only fragments are preserved. Anaxagoras postulated the idea of independent elements which coexist in space and air, creating life. He called them 'seeds'. They are the ultimate elements of combination and are indivisible, imperishable 'primordia' of infinite number, and differing in shape, color, and taste. Later writers referred to these seeds as 'omoiomereia' which was an expression of Aristotle, meaning 'particles of like kind with each other and with the whole that is made up of them'.

It is fascinating how the ancient 'gods' seem to make their appearance in the strangest places at the strangest times. And while we are trying to unravel the origins of humankind, a completely different subject, we find that our protagonist's life was greatly influenced by the ancient gods who must have had a great hold over the Greek authorities. The fact that a philosopher was jailed because he disobeyed the gods, goes a long way in supporting the outlandish theory that these gods must have had a real hold over the ancient Kings. In "Slave Species of god" this subject is covered in much greater detail and we find out that their control was absolute.

When panspermia was reintroduced in the 70's by a handful of serious scientists, it was met with loads of criticism and the kind of ridicule which has been experienced by most visionaries throughout human history. But fortunately they could point to Louis Pasteur who in 1864 shocked the scientific world with his landmark experiment, disproving the concept of spontaneous generation. Pasteur's discovery also had a practical impact on medicine, proving that germs are the primary causes and carriers of disease.

If this principle had been accepted as the fundamental theory on the origins of life way back then, today we may still be unsure how life on Earth began, BUT at least we would approach the question differently. We would assume that life here had to be 'seeded' somehow and we would investigate the possible mechanisms for such seeding. Is it possible for bacteria and other microscopic organisms to come to Earth from space? Can they survive harsh conditions, radiation, extreme temperatures for long periods of time? Maybe even millions of years? All this has now been proven beyond any doubt and generally accepted by the scientific world.

But to argue the possibility of life arriving on Earth from space requires some proof of life in space…and if it does exist, how does it reach Earth…and once it has reached Earth what kind of role can it possibly play in the creation of life, evolution or the speeding up of evolution.

This is what Hoyle and Wickramasinghe proved in the early 70's. By using spectroscopic analyses of light from distant stars, they showed that there was evidence of life in the interstellar dust. This dust exists throughout space as leftover matter from the creation of stellar systems and contains microscopic organism like bacteria. It is also possible that there may be viruses and other organic material present in this so-called dust. It got there as a result of cosmic collisions of space bodies like planets and even supernovas, which is when a star explodes spreading its content over vast distances of space. By definition this really means that the universe must be filled with life of all kinds.

Given its size and age of the universe, there have been cosmic collision occurring for billions of years and life must exist everywhere throughout space. Space dust settles on Earth every second of every day, carrying with it all kinds of organisms, sometimes deadly to humans.

This also means that comets, asteroids and meteors become the carriers of life as they travel through space picking up these microscopic organisms, which could even include larvae and spores. When they crash into planets like Earth, they deposit these seeds of life, initiating a whole new chain reaction of evolution and life. There will be much more information available when the results from NASA's Stardust project are revealed.

Read more about NASA's Stardust project:

Michael Tellinger

May 2006.

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